Road works completed on Blossom Street

The work to replace the gas main near the junction of Blossom Street and Holgate Road were completed on schedule. Traffic has been flowing easily this weekend.

Blossom Street road works have been completed

However further road works on Nunnery Lane (and Tadcaster Road) are starting in June prompting calls for the trial lane closure on Bishopthorpe Road to be terminated.

The closure, ostensibly to free space for “social distancing, has prompted opposition from residents who point to higher pollution levels on alternative routes, cyclists who feel their “contraflow” route is unsafe and motorists who have been facing a 1 mile detour plus higher journey times.

Bishopthorpe Road lane closure. Petition calls for lane to be reopened.

Bollards placed along the edge of the footpath have actually made social distancing for pedestrians more difficult in places.

Lack of consultation with residents has been highlighted as a major concern, while the decision to coincide the closure with road works taking place on the detour route caused particular anger.

The scheme has led to a petition being gathered which calls for the scheme to be abandoned. It has already gained  900 signatures.

It can be found by clicking here

Some commentators have said that the impulsive decision may put the case for creating a part time foot street at the Bishopthorpe Road shops back by a decade or longer.

Unlawful Lendal Bridge closure cost Council £millions in compensation payments

Public antipathy had a similar effect following the failed Lendal Bridge closure 4 years ago.

The Council persisted with that project long after it became clear that it was ill judged and, indeed, ultimately proved to be unlawful.

Traffic congestion caused by sewer repairs on The Mount

Increased congestion on The Mount today as Yorkshire Water repair a sewer pipe near the Holgate Road junction. Work is continuing.
Real time traffic congestion information can be found by clicking this link

Bishopthorpe Road/Scarcroft Road junction improvements

Ageing and outdated traffic signals at the junction of Bishopthorpe Road and Scarcroft Road are set to be replaced next month by City of York Council, as part of a scheme to help improve pedestrian access and ease congestion in the area.

The works will include replacing all the ageing traffic signal equipment, creating a new pedestrian crossing on Bishopthorpe Road, removing the small central triangular island on Bishopthorpe Road and widening/resurfacing the footway.

Works will start on Monday 9 September and are estimated to take around four weeks to complete. The hours of working will be 9.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday and 8am to 4pm Saturdays and Sundays.

In order to safely construct part of the work some evening works may be required. Notification of these will be provided in advance. 

Works will be suspended between Friday 27 and Sunday 29 September due to the York Balloon Fiesta.

The new technology being installed will help to manage traffic in the area and enable the new systems to link direct to the council’s Traffic and Control Centre, so that Network Monitoring Officers can manage the flow of traffic better in busy periods.

The right turn from Scarcroft Road to Bishopthorpe Road will be closed during the works and diversion routes will be in place.

During the works it is anticipated that all bus services will operate as normal, however there will be delays when travelling through the junction. 

The junction will be operating under temporary signals during the works and motorists are expected to experience delays while the works are underway.