At least one member of the Labour Cabinet is apparently now showing restraint in accepting hospitality.
According to the Councils web site serial party goer Cllr Crisp hasn’t received any hospitality since October 2013.
In the same period Council Leader has declared 23 instances of hospitality
The Deputy Leader Cllr Simpson Laing has accepted a similar number of freebies including two meals from John Lewis. She makes no declaration for foreign travel although it had previously been reported that the British Council was picked up the tab for her trips to Strasbourg.
With dozens of Tour de France VIP tickets having been available recently, residents will be keeping a close eye on declarations made by both Councillors and officers over the next few days.
At the other end of the scale Cllr “two jobs” Williams has not received any hospitality at all during the 3 years that he has been a Councillor. Probably doesn’t have time, given that as well as being a Cabinet member, he tries to hold down a full time job and is also a magistrate.
Senior Officers also now publish a list of expenses that they receive from the Council. The May list can be found on their web site and is unexceptionable part from one air flight costing over £300.
The Council hasn’t published details of Councillors travel expense claims since March.