Fixed penalty notices issued in York
Fly posting, fly tipping, littering and dog fouling
As they promised, the York council has now updated its “open data” web site to include details of the number of fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued.
An FOI request was prompted by a large number of fly posting incidents in west York advertising the arrival of a Fair.
The published stats only go up to June at present but they reveal a downward trend on FPNs issued for fly posting.
In total 36 were issued during the first 6 months of the year.
Fly tipping is also a continuing problem in some areas. Here the figures reveal that no FPNs were issued during the first part of this year.
It was similar picture for dog fouling with no FPNs issued between January and June.
Only 1 FPN was issued for littering.
Statistical information has also been published for