Neighbourhood information needed to help combat Corona

The Council’s step to encourage volunteering is welcome.

But better coordination of the resources available is needed at neighbourhood level.

Those “self isolating” want to know which local shops are offering home delivery.

Residents need confirmation of which pharmacies are offering home delivery and with what capacity (any gaps could be filled by volunteers).

The Foxwood Residents Association is offering free social media and noticeboard publicity to local shops that

a) will deliver to doorsteps

b) accept remote payment – inclusive of delivery – by PayPal, card or bank transfer

c) Will take orders by email, phone or “on line” web site.

Any stores accepting contactless payments, and collection of food from a prearranged “in store” location (by volunteers), will also be acknowledged.

The Council needs to check and publicise regularly the availability of “on line” delivery slot availability at local branches of major supermarkets.

The Council could also coordinate the provision lists of stock shortages, of essential items, at local supermarkets. This would prevent unnecessary journeys

Message from York Council to volunteers

We want to make sure that support is directed to where it’s most needed, whether delivering food parcels, providing information, or sharing tasks like shopping or picking up medications.

“The physical and emotional health of residents is of the upmost importance and we are introducing a process to register, train and support volunteers.

“Volunteering tasks can also be done remotely for those who are not able to meet people. Examples include speaking to people on the phone or registering enquiries.

“The situation continues to evolve rapidly and therefore we are having to move fast. The Council will be contacting partners across the voluntary sector to discuss how best work together to make the most of available funding and support those most in need.

“Anyone interested in volunteering throughout this period should email and we will send more details direct. Alternatively please call the Customer Centre on 01904 551 550 and register your interest with the volunteer scheme.”

Time to minimise calls on Council staff time

Although we will continue to report routine issues with local public services over the next few weeks, we don’t expect some to have any priority for the use of resources if the CV virus debilitates the Councils workforce.

Clearly the most important services are those that maintain the safety of the local community.

We’d like to see the Council appoint local coordinators so that the vulnerable have someone to turn to. We recognise that valuable resources like the local “hubs” will have to close but they need to be replaced with technology based alternatives. We look forward to hearing more about the Council’s plans

The Friday Hub at the Foxwood Community Centre has already been suspended.

Local residents groups and Councillors are actively supporting residents.

Hopefully those who are responsible for the graffiti that blights the neighbourhood, those who drop litter and those who allow their dogs to foul footpaths will now change their ways.

NB. The Great British Spring Clean – which relied on volunteer litter pickers – has been postponed until the Autumn.

Corona (COVID-19) update – effect on west York

The government has relaxed delivery restrictions on supermarkets. Click link. It means that deliveries can be made at any time of the day or night. Most local stores have their own delivery yards but neighbours of, for example, Morrisons on Green Lane may see lorries serving the store later at night.

Local residents associations have suggested that lists of local shops and takeaways who can deliver to these self isolating should be drawn up. They want to see a local neighbourhood coordinator appointed by the Council.

In the meantime they’re offering to publicise any local business that will accept remote orders (phone/email/online), pay electronically, and deliver to a doorstep. (Email

Elsewhere community networks are getting established to deal with any escalation in the numbers confined to their own homes. The Leeds Council are, for example, taking steps to provide community support to safe and professional standards.  click

Volunteer groups like #ViralKindness are also springing up.

New Covid-19 (coronavirus) case in York

It is understood that this case came about as a result of travel to northern Italy.

The individual “followed all necessary health advice and has been in self-isolation at home” and the authorities say “here is a very low risk of the virus having been transferred to anyone in York”.

The Council expects that more confirmed cases in York over the next weeks and months as the virus spreads across the country.

“The council and our partners have well established plans in place and are working closely together to ensure that we are best placed to respond to local issues as they arise”.

No details of which neighbourhood the victim lives in have been released.