‘It’s not OK’ child sexual abuse awareness campaign launches 11 May 2015

A joint child sexual abuse awareness campaign between City of York Safeguarding Children Board (CYSCB) and the NSPCC launches in York on Monday 11 May.

The aim of the ‘It’s not OK’ campaign is to help ensure that parents, carers, children and young people, professionals and the general public know how to recognise the signs of child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, where to get help and advice, and increase confidence in saying or doing something to stop the abuse.

This year-long multi-agency campaign, the first of its type for the NSPCC in England, will have four distinct phases, with each targeting a different audience. Information, resources and campaign materials will all be available in one place – the new sexual abuse and sexual exploitation website for York: www.itsnotokay-york.org.uk
