That was the year that was – 2015 in York

  • As we welcomed the New Year local Tory Councillor Joe Watt announced his resignation from the Council Group. He was to lose his seat in May. It was to be the first of a series of major changes in local government in York during 2015.
  • There had been capacity problems at the York hospitals A&E departments
  • York Knights lost their training ground and were effectively homeless.Lendal Bridge closure Nov 2013
  • The York Council was rapped by Local Government Association inspectors in a public report.
  • The Lendal Bridge “automatic fine repayment” process was announced
  • Delays in upgrading the Central “Explore” library were set to cost taxpayers an extra £61k
  • The Council decided to “freeze” Council Tax levels.
  • Lowfields care village 2011 plans - now 3 years behind schedule
    Lowfields care village 2011 plans – abandoned in 2015
  • All existing Elderly Care homes in York would close by 2019. There was bad news about the future of the Lowfields school site which had been earmarked as a location for an elderly care village.
  • A campaign to invest £500,000 more in Council estate regeneration was launched by the LibDems against a background of problems with parking and deteriorating infrastructure.
  • A proposed York “traffic congestion commission” was shelved
  • Falling fuel prices meant that local taxi and bus fares should be reduced. No action resulted.
  • Confusing speed restriction signs on Green Lane
    Confusing speed restriction signs on Green Lane
  • The £6 million highways repair budget was divided up at a “behind closed doors” meeting
  • There had been a 91% increase in car parking charges in York during the previous 4 years
  • The Council was forced to admit that the introduction of 20 mph speed limits had had little impact. In some streets average speeds had actually increased since the signs were erected
  • The York Council was failing to repair 67% of street lighting faults within target time
  • Opposition to plans to charge £35 a year for emptying all “green” bins increased with over 1000 signing a petition. The idea was dropped when many of the policies supporters lost their seats at the Council elections in MayGreen bin petition
  • The Clifton Moor – Haxby Road cycle track (along the A1237) was finally opened
  • The Council lost its appeal against having to repay fines imposed on Coppergate. 
  • Labour retained the York Central parliamentary seat in the General Election. 350 Askham Lane Focus May 2015 page 1
  • However in the Council elections the LibDems swept to victory in both the Westfield and Dringhouses wards. Labour lost 9 seats and the Council was “hung” or “balanced”
  • Not for the first time St Helen’s Road was closed because of Yorkshire water works
  • Following the Council election results in York, a new coalition took over the running of the City. More transparency and public engagement wa promised although in reality this was illusive during the rest of the year. Priorities would change with vanity projects banished and more to be spent on basic services. However, by the start of 2016 the City was still committed to spending £10 million on a bridge into the York central site, £9 million on a Guildhall redevelopment plan and £8 million propping up the Community Stadium project.
  • York was disappointing 11th is a league table of foreign visitor numbers
  • After standing empty for over 2 years the Council decided to sell the  Oliver House home. It will become a set of retirement apartments
  • York Road page 1 click to enlarge
  • Tim Farron – who was latter to become Leader of the Liberal Democrats – visited Foxwood
  • The former airspeed factory and tram dept on Piccadilly was condemned as unsafe. It was later demolished
  • Developers applied to build houses in a copse of trees on Knapton Lane. The application was later refused planning permission
  • House prices in York rose strongly
  • The new Council decided to formally investigate the £187,000 lost on the TdF Grand Departy concert. A report was received 6 months later but most of those responsible for the mistakes had by then left the Council. 
  • Weeds started to overwhelm many public footpaths. The Council blamed its own contractors for failing to apply chemicals at the correct time.  
  • One of York’s new fleet of electric buses caught fire. 6 months later the cause of the fire has still not been explained


  • The Councils ward committee system – which devolves decisions to local communities was revived – with a £1 million potential budget. Community centres were also promised that a support grant would be reinstated.DT art gallery strike
  • Housing and benefits advice services in Acomb were discountined despite assurances given when the Acomb office closed
  • The York Art Gallery reopened and immediately became embroiled in a controversy about discount admission prices for York residents
  • There was a murder in Hamilton DriveOuse bridge parapet weeds small 27th Aug 2015
  • A new Quango “Make it York” got off to a bad start. They threatened to remove the Parliament Street fountain without any consultation. Later they were to ban children s entertainment rides from their annual St Nichols Fair.
  • Weeds threatened to overgrow Ouse Bridge… they had in 2014.
  • The Community Stadium had already cost £3.9 million. No building work had taken place.
  • York could’t decide  between North Yorkshre and West Yorkshire in the devolution debate. In the end they opted for neither.915 colour page 1  Chapelfields Focus Sept 15 A3
  • Micklegate closed for utility works (again)
  • Another Labour Council Group Leader quit. Janet Looker would be appointed the third Labour Council Group Leader in less than 12 months. Jeremy Corbyn became the party’s national Leader
  • Road traffic accident numbers increased
  • With the Huntington Stadium closed, the Council paid out £1/2 million for the Knights match-day and training facilities. The rugby club were not to play any matches at Bootham Crescent during 2015. By the end of 2015 no contracts for the construction of the new stadium had been let.
  • Acomb Library had its most successful year with record numbers visiting
  • The Council published new “housing” figures to inform the new Local Plan. It still failed to discuss how big it actually wanted the City to be.
  • The Council is criticised for continuing to make “behind closed doors” decisions. It struggled to even publish agenda before some matters were decided
  • Homeless numbers in York hit a record low
  • Page 1
  • The Council introduced a new “on line” issue reporting system. It flopped but a better system is promised for later in 2016
  • The City’s Lord Mayor attracted national attention for the wrong reasons. York City advertised for a new manager.
  • A new plan for the redevelopment of the Piccadilly area
  • The Council admitted that it was not measuring its own performance on many key public services
  • Unemployment levels hit a record low in the City. But average earnings were also down.
  • Concerns about Syrian refugees continued although 4 months after the crisis developed none have yet reached the City. The Press front page plumbed the depths of insensitivity as more details of the bombings in Paris emergedPress front page 17th Nov 2015
  • Delays in the reopening of the Theatre Royal had cost £3/4 million
  • Crime levels were starting to creep up
  • It was revealed that the Councils “free” newspaper “Our City” was costing taxpayers £40,000 a year.
  • Businesses voted to establish a Business Improvement District in York. It will add 1% a year to their rates bills.
  • A revised bus service map was published
  • Consultation started (again) on the York Central development1215 colour Chapelfields pages 2 and 3 Focus small Dec 15 A3
  • The Council launched a consultation on public service priorities and Council Tax levels amidst fears of a 3.9% rise.
  • Councillors were given a 15% pay increase.
  • A rat bit an elderly resident in a council care home

…….and then the floods came – the worst since 2000.

The Foss barrier failed, telecoms crashed and even river level gauges stopped working.

The failings had been forecast in a report on the 2012 floodings.

Flooded York. Levels now officially higher than 2012

Flooded York. Levels officially higher than 2012

Polling Day

Today is polling day in Westfield


There are six polling stations

KA       Sanderson Court Community House, Bramham Road, Chapelfields, York.

KB       Acomb Parish Church Hall, Front Street, Acomb, York.

KC       Westfield Primary Community School, Askham Lane, York.

KD       Welly Boots Creche, Energise, Cornlands Road. York.

KE       Hob Moor Community Primary School, Green Lane, York.

KF       Foxwood Community Centre, Cranfield Place, York.

You do not need your polling card to vote. Simply attend the polling station and give the presiding officer your name and address.

If you are in doubt about whether you are on the electoral register please give us a ring (York 794111) and we will check for you

There are a total of 13 candidates contesting the three vacant Councillor positions in the ward.

The three Liberal Democrat candidates are

  • Sue Hunter
  • Sheena Jackson
  • Andrew Waller

Any LibDem supporter requiring a lift to the polls should ring York 701727 (Foxwood York 794111) between the hours of 10:00am and 9:00pm. The polls close at 10:00pm

On arrival at the polling station you will be given two separate ballot papers.

There are 7 candidates contesting the parliamentary seat.

  • The Liberal Democrat Candidate is Nick Love

Liberal Democrats – working for Westfield 365 days a year

350 Askham Lane Focus May 2015 page 2 350 Askham Lane Focus May 2015 page 1 Pages 1 1114 colour Foxwood Focus Nov 14 A3 1214 colour Hob Moor Focus Pages 1 Dec 14 A3 914 colour Pages 1 Foxwood Focus Sept 14 A3 814 colour Page 1 Front Street Focus August 14 A3 614 colour Page 1  Cornlands Focus June 14 A3 514  Page 1 colour Hob Moor Focus May 14 A3 314 page 1 Foxwood Focus Feb 14 A3 214 page 1 colour Askham Lane  Focus Feb 14 A3 Westfield St Stephens Focus May 13 A3 page 1 Westfield Hob Moor Focus May 13 A3 Page 1 only Westfield Foxwood Focus June 13 A3 page 1 Westfield askham cornlands Focus June 13 A3 page 1 Hob Moor Focus Mar 13 A3 page 1 Hob Moor Cornlands Focus page 1 Nov 13 A3 d2 Cornlands page 1 Focus Nov 13 A3 1213  colour page 1 Foxwood Focus Dec 13 A3 1013  pages 1  Chapelfields  Focus Oct 13 A3 1013  page 1 Front Street Focus Oct 13 A3 813  colour Page  1 Cornlands Focus Aug 13 A3 813  pages 1 colour Hob Moor Focus Aug 13 A3 713 Page 1 colour Chapelfields Focus July 13 A3 713  colour Lowfields page 1 Focus July 13 A3 413  colour Chapelfields Focus Apr 13 A3 Page 1

Lib Dem Candidates – City of York Council Elections 2015

Group shot 2 ()

Please click on the ward for further information

Bishopthorpe – Daniel Khan

Copmanthorpe – Richard Brown

Dringhouses & Woodthorpe – Cllr Ann Reid, Stephen Fenton, Ashley Mason

Fulford & Heslington – Cllr Keith Aspden

Haxby & Wigginton – Cllr Ian Cuthbertson, Martin Lewis Crosby, Sue Willer

Heworth Without – Cllr Nigel Ayre

Huntington & New Earswick – Cllr Keith Orrell, Cllr Carol Runciman, Chris Cullwick

Osbaldwick & Derwent – Richard Hill, Linda Maggs

Rawcliffe & Clifton Without – Richard Shrimpton, Mark Waudby, Sam Waudby

Rural West – Jayne Bradley, Gareth Morgan

Strensall – Tony Fisher, David Goodall

Wheldrake – Jonathan Stott

York Central Wards (please click on the ward for further information):

Acomb – John Ballantine, Reuban Mayne

Clifton – Tobie Abel, Derek Wann

Fishergate – Charlie Kingsbury, Shawn Imeson

Guildhall – Mike Green, Nick Love, Derek Waudby

Heworth – Ian Packington, Ben Rich, Matthew Smithson

Holgate – Robert Adamson, Jonathan Morley, Matthew Reid

Hull Road – Tom Davies, Rachel Edwards, Lizzy Roberts

Micklegate – Carlotta Allum, Martin Bartlett, Aileen Hingston

Westfield – Cllr Andrew Waller, Sue Hunter, Sheena Jackson

If you would like to contact any of our candidates please contact

Information on our Parliamentary Candidates can be found here for James Blanchard (York Outer) and here for Nick Love (York Central).