Park and Ride numbers up

The numbers using Yorks Park and Ride service increased by over 6% during February 2011 compared to the same period last year. Biggest increase was on the Designer Line (Fulford) where the number of passengers increased by 12%. Cumulative figures for the financial year show an increase in usage despite the poor weather which we experienced in November and December.

Don’t forget to register to vote!

 We are less than 10 weeks away from local council elections which are due to be held on Thursday the 5th of May. Now is the time to check you are registered to vote. If you have any doubts contact the council here to check you are on the electoral roll. OR if you are not registered, download and send off this form to the City of York Council. The closing date to guarantee you are on the electoral register is coming up fast (the 11th of April) so don’t delay.

Play equipment for younger chldren

play train
Plans are now well advanced to provide a new piece of play equipment on The Green aimed at younger children. It is likely to be a wooden train with a slide built into the embankment and a spring animal with “safamat” surfacing.

A similar piece of equipment will be provided at the Foxwood Lane playground.

The improvements form part of a Ward Committee funded long term programme which will see all play equipment in the area modernised.

Free Compost from the Council

The free compost giveaways will be going ahead again this year, in partnership with Yorwaste Ltd. There will be a giveaway on the 1st Sunday in every month between March and October. Please see the dates below:

Sunday 6th March

Sunday 3rd April

Sunday 1st May

Sunday 5th June

Sunday 3rd July

Sunday 7th August

Sunday 4th September

Sunday 2nd October

Compost can be collected from Harewood Whin, Tinker Lane (off Wetherby Road) from between 9.30am and 2.30pm. Residents must bring along a suitable bag or container to put the soil improver into and a shovel, as the compost is not bagged. We are advising people to visit the site as early as possible as there is a limited quantity of compost and it will go on a first come, first served basis.

We are hoping that the giveaways will be as popular as last year when we estimate that we gave away over 1,600 tonnes of compost. This year we are also starting the giveaways earlier in the year due to popular demand.

Survey Results Cornlands Road area

We have now completed our surveys in the Cornlands Road and St Stephens Road areas. The most popular places for additional off street parking provision were St Stephens Road, Thoresby Road and Tennent Road.

The most popular “new” local services in order were: 

  1. Recycling collections
  2. New ring road/Askham Lane roundabout
  3. “Energise” swimming pool
  4. “Energise” sports facilities
  5. “Explore” library on Front Street

Greatest concerns were about snow clearing (a review is in hand), litter and parking arrangements.

A majority of residents had seen PCSO patrols in the area.

Over 50 residents have signed a petition supporting securing the Cornlands Road park after dark each night. This is now subject to formal consultation by the Council.

NB. The owners of  the former White Rose site have said that the redevelopment there will start shortly.

Housing waiting list changing

All current City of York Housing Register Applicants (both waiting and transfer list) over the next 3 weeks will be contacted by letter inviting them to re register for the new North Yorkshire Home Choice register.
Current applicants who are invited to re register can do this either on line or by filling in a paper form. The Council will actively be encouraging applicants where appropriate and where they can to apply on line. They will be able to go into the offices both in the City and Acomb for assistance to complete either on line or paper forms, there will be staff available at all times at both offices to assist them.
Customers will have until the 31st March 2011 to re register. If they apply after this date their application start date will be taken from the date of their new application and they will loose out on valuable time on the list. It is imperative that customers re register prior to the 31st March to ensure they keep their original registration date as this will affect their position when we go live with choice based lettings as time on list/in band is one of the deciding factors on which bid is top of the list and gets the offer of a property.
The Council will be sending out reminder letters in mid March to all those applicants who have failed to re register, to remind them of the importance of registering prior to the 31st March and again how and where they can re register and what help and support is available to them.
The new policy and system will go live in mid June.