A new eight-year contract for York’s Park&Ride service, which attracts over 4.5million passengers annually, will be awarded next year following a procurement exercise which will commence shortly.
Ahead of this procurement process, a report examining the options for the delivery of the service after the end of the current contract in 2017 will be taken to an Executive meeting on 24 September.
To ensure that the most effective solutions for the service are presented to members for consideration, a comprehensive review of the existing operation and potential amendments has been undertaken.
This included a review of Park&Ride operations around the country, surveying the views of the service users, visiting other Park&Ride sites and undertaking pre-procurement engagement with potential suppliers of the service.
During the Executive meeting, members will be asked to consider approving the principles for the service and delivery, which will enable a new eight-year contract to be prepared.
Currently operated on behalf of the council by First York, the current eight-year contact will come to an end in February 2017.
A new contract will commence at the end of the current contract and be awarded in Spring 2016. This is in order to meet with the council’s own financial regulations, ensure best value and transparency in accordance with EU procurement legislation.
Find out more about York’s Park&Ride Service at www.itravelyork.info/buses
Executive will take place on Thursday 24 September at West Offices from 5.30pm and is open to members of the public or is available to watch live online from: www.york.gov.uk/webcasts
To find out more about the report, or to attend, visit:http://democracy.york.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=733&MId=8841