York Council “doesn’t know” how many litter complaints it is receiving.

A response to a Freedom of Information request has revealed that the York Council stopped counting the number of complaints it was receiving about litter 18 months ago!

Litter complaints admitted by York Council (click to enlarge)

Litter complaints admitted by York Council (click to enlarge)

Monthly figures have been provided only up to November 2013.

The decision not to record complaints co-incided with Labour’s cuts in the number of litter bins provided in the City.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that litter problems are worsening in many parts of the City. 

The new Council which will be elected on May 7th will certainly expect not only performance volumes like these to be gathered but also to have them published routinely on the Council’s web site

The Council recently announced further cuts to litter bin provision in sub-urban parts of the City including Foxwood Lane.


York data sharing website launched

York businesses invited to sign-up

City of York Council has launched a new website featuring local data, giving residents and businesses free access to a wealth of information about their city, which will be used to build new solutions to all kinds of challenges such as those around sustainability, transport, energy and community engagement.

York Open Data is a place for businesses and organisations to publicly share their data so that anybody can connect to hundred’s of up-to-date, searchable data sets and use them to make a difference in their local area.

Anybody wishing to get involved in York Open Data is encouraged to make contact and sign-up to future events at www.yorkopendata.org.

Roll up to Lord Mayor’s car boot sale

The Civic Party will join a car boot sale this weekend to raise further funds for the Civic charities.

The Lord Mayor will attend Huntington Sports and Social Club on Sunday 12 April to sell a range of items in aid of the 2014/15 Civic charities. This year’s Civic charities are York Against Cancer and the York Teaching Hospital Charity, which look to improve patient care across the city.

The car boot sale is still open for residents to pitch up to sell their items at a cost of £5 for cars and £7 for vans, all of which will go to the Civic charities. Set up for the event is open from 8am with the event opening to the public at 9am.