York pupils missing out on Free School Meals

lunch-lady-cartoon-270x191Hundreds of children in York registered for free school meals are not receiving them, according to government figures released this week. The revelation follows news that a council ‘Task Group’ has been set-up to examine the issue of the low take-up of all school meals in York.

Figures show that out of 1,819 pupils registered for free school meals in primary, secondary and special schools in York only 75.7% actually took-up the dinners meaning 583 schoolchildren were not eating the free meals for which they were registered. Nationally, take-up is around 82%.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Ann Reid, who will chair the City of York Council cross-party Scrutiny Task Group, commented:

“The Task Group will be looking at the low take-up across the board but we know there is a particular problem with the take-up of free school meals. There are many reasons children don’t always choose to take the free school meal after registering, including possible stigma, preferring to leave school at lunchtime, and not liking the healthy options offered. Given this, the Task Group will look at what the Council can do to make sure schools get all the help and advice they need to increase uptake. This could be promotional work or expanding the ‘cashless’ system successfully used in many schools.”

Public footpath near University to be diverted.

Proposed PROW diversion

Proposed PROW diversion

A Public Right of Way is to be diverted to allow improved sports facilities (cycle track/running track) to be provided at the University.

The right of way in question (Public Footpath, Dunnington No 16) runs along the Derwent/Heslington and Fulford Ward boundary and bisects the land that is affected by the development. The path runs from the Grimston Bar Park & Ride site in a southerly direction over the A64, eventually linking in with Ox Close Lane, Heslington (via Public Bridleway, Heslington No 7) to the south. From the east, a short section of (currently non-definitive) path, leading off from the end of Low Lane, Heslington also links in to the path.

There have been no objections to the planned diversion. A temporary diversion has been in place for some months.