The proposal to change the bookmakers shop at 48/50 Beaconsfield Street into residential accommodation will finally reach the planning committee on 4th July. The application is recommended for approval.
The proposal would see 3 two bedroomed and 1 single bedroomed flat created out of the converted building. The adjacent 2 story building would also return to residential use.
The flats would be for sale. Apparently the applicants originally mistakenly described the flats as “affordable housing” which gave rise to some objections.
48/50 Beaconsfield Street
The main issue raised, when the idea of the conversion was first suggested, related to the lack of car parking. It has now been suggested that the “developer will provide a free bicycle or a 12 month bus pass per dwelling to the first occupants of the properties to encourage non-car travel”!
The Council received 18 letters of objection to the plan. The predominant concern was lack of car parking while some mentioned noise problems.
The Council committee will have to consider whether it is possible to bring number 50 back into use as either a single or duplex building. There is a shortage of 3 and 4 bedroomed property in the City and opportunities to redress the imbalance come along only rarely.
The creation of 3 dwellings (instead of 5) would also have the advantage that it would reduce the pressure on nearby “on street” parking space.