Passengers to be consulted before next set of changes to bus service routes in York!!! Public meeting dates announced

People can either make their views known at the following web link:

or at one of the following events:

Tues 2/7: Bishopthorpe Methodist Hall, 0900-1200

Tues 2/7: Copmanthorpe Howell Hall, 1600 – 1900

Weds 3/7: Huntington Memorial Hall, 1200 – 1500

Thurs 4/7: Osbaldwick Village Hall, 1400 – 1700

Sat 6/7: Clifton Moor Church & Community Centre, 1400 – 1700

Tues 9/7: Haxby & Wigginton Methodist Church Hall, 1400 – 1700

Sat 13/7: Acomb Parish Church Hall, 0900 – 1200

Tues 16/7: York city centre, West Offices, 1000-1400

Definitely the right way of doing things. Consult first then draw up plans. Well done First!

Churches asked to pay £2700 fee to perform “civil partnership” ceremonies in York

The York Council has decided to charge a licence fee of £2700 to Churches who wish to perform Civil Partnership ceremonies. This compares to the actual costs incurred by the Council in issuing the license of around £500.

North Yorkshire charge a £1375 fee.

The licence for secular premises lasts for 3 years; it is the same charge for renewal and review. The couples pay the fee for attendance by the superintendent registrar or registrar.

There are currently 26 secular licensed premises. These are predominantly businesses like hotels who ‘sell’ the ceremony to their customers as part of a ‘wedding package’ thereby making the licensing of these premises a “business” decision rather than an ethical one.

So far there has been one expression of interest from the Quaker Group who wish to offer this service.

The scale of the Council fee makes it unlikely other churches will apply to conduct such ceremonies.

Westminster Road to stay open

The Council has decided not to close Westminster Road to through traffic.

There were no public speakers at a decision meeting earlier this week and local Councillors appear to have dropped their support for the closure.

Evidence suggests that evening traffic levels on the road are higher than when the controversial cycle lane was in operation at Clifton Green traffic lights.

Traffic in the Clifton Green area is likely to increase significantly when the closure of Lendal Bridge is introduced in August.

Rubbish skips this weekend

Rubbish skips this weekend
Although the Council has cut back on the number of amenity skips it provides, several residents associations continue to run programmes aimed at making it easier for tenants to get rid of unwanted items.
The skips are only in place for a few minutes and residents must ensure that they put any rubbish into the skips and do not leave it on the path or highway.

Saturday 22.6.13
2 Viking Rd 10:30 11:30
3 Cambridge St 12:30 13:30 Suffolk House
6 Dale St 12:30 13:30

Stadium funding in Councils bank account – £25k paid to Arts Barge

The York Council has confirmed that it received the section 106 contribution towards the costs of building the new Community Stadium and other facilities 4 WEEKS ago.

It is now in the Council’s bank account.

Newts first to buy Knights replica shirts

Newts first to buy Knights replica shirts

In total, that is around £15 million.

The Council Leader has claimed that the Councils contribution to the stadium project is capped at £2 million (plus the value of the stadium land).

There has still been no satisfactory explanation from the Council about the delays to the stadium project. It will not be brought into use before the start of the 2016/17 football season.

Meanwhile the Council has handed over £25,000 to the Arts Barge project.

Apparently the barge that they are thinking of buying is now larger than anticipated.

The organisers still have upwards of £200,000 to raise to get the project launched!



Foxwood Residents will be having a Teddy Bears’ picnic at the Foxwood Community Centre summer fair on Saturday 22 June from 11am to 3pm.

The first 18 children who come along with a teddy bear will get a free goody bag.

There will also be the opportunity to adopt a bear from the teddy bear orphanage and a tombola for the adults.

If you can help on the day, then please contact Shirley on 793437.

The Foxwood Community centre is located on Cranfield Place just off Bellhouse Way

20 mph speed limit plan – deadline for objections is TODAY!

Residents have only got until 5:00pm today (Friday 21st June) to record a formal objection to the plan to impose a wide area 20 mph speed limit in west York.

This can be done by Emailing or

The LibDem campaign to scrap the speed limit proposal, and replace it with targeted measures aimed at reducing accident levels, gained widespread support earlier in the week when it was publicised in the local media.

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