£21.5 million transport budget for York

Nearly £22 million will be spent on improving transport in the City over the next 12 months.

The vast majority of the funding will come from central government and includes the work at 2 new park and ride sites.

Another government funded programme is aimed at helping cyclists and pedestrians, while the area bus fund could see more “off bus” ticket sales.


There is no mention in the programme of any contribution towards cashless ticketing on public transport in the City.

The full programme can be seen by clicking here

The plan does little to help suburban areas like Westfield with no regeneration funding identified and even aging bus stop infrastructure facing further neglect.

However, another £430,000 is to be spent on what seems to be an endless reorganisation of bus stops at the railway station.

£300,000 is allocated for the introduction of the unnecessary 20 mph speed limit in west York. Over 80% of residents in the area continue to oppose this plan.

Meanwhile road safety improvement expenditure is at an all time low of £150,000.

Health Strategy for York

The Councils Health Board is set to agree a Health Strategy document for the City next Wednesday.

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy focuses on the following five priorities:

1. Making York a great place for older people to live
2. Reducing health inequalities
3. Improving mental health and intervening early
4. Enabling all children and young people to have the best start in life
5. Creating a financially sustainable local health and wellbeing system

A copy of the strategy can be read by clicking here.