Labour’s 20 mph speed limit – details for West York

The Labour controlled Council has published details of the boundaries for the new 20 mph speed limit that it intends to apply to most of west York.

Many of the roads in the Westfield area already have 20 mph limits which are enforced by (generally unpopular) speed humps. Other roads are too short for vehicle speed to be an issue.

Major roads like Askham Lane, Foxwood Lane, Wetherby Road, Ridgeway, Thanet Road and part of Gale Lane are to be excluded from the proposed 20 mph limit.

20 mph speed limits west York Click to enlarge

However some bus routes (Cornlands Road, Tudor Road, Acomb Wood Drive and Front Street) ARE included.

Most complaints about motorists exceeding the existing 30 mph speed limit arise on roads like Wetherby Road and Green Lane. The police use their mobile speed cameras on both roads from time to time.

With Green Lane set to be included in the 20 mph limit, it is easy to see where a lot of the estimated £500,000 a year income from speeding fines, generated by the cameras, will come from.

When the vehicle activated signs were last checked around 20% of drivers were exceeding the present 30 mph limit on Green Lane.

Similar problems will arise on Acomb Wood Drive where the council has recently declined to take action to stop the significant proportion of drivers who exceed the 30 mph limit.

There is a contradiction in approach here which is likely to antagonise many motorists.

No detailed costings for this phase of Labours 20 mph policy have been published. We know, though, that every entry point into a 20 mph area will have to be signed and that frequent repeater signs are legally necessary.

Our view remains – and is supported by all surveys on the topic undertaken in the area – that residents DO want the existing 30 mph limits to be enforced but DO NOT want the Council to spend £600,000 on introducing a 20 mph limit which will have little practical effect.

Labour have refused to consult residents through public meetings in either the Acomb or Westfield Wards. They declined to even publish, on their web site, a map showing what their plans were.

There is, however, a public meeting on the subject taking place in Dringhouses tonight when the main advocate of the new limits – Cllr Semlyn – will be explaining herself. The meeting is taking place at Woodthorpe Primary School on Summerfield Road. There is a “surgery” at 6:00pm with the meeting proper starting at 7:00pm

York flooding update

Ouse level graph

Ouse web cam

The level of the river Ouse in York is now falling.

It peaked at below the level seen in September.

Knavesmire Road has reopened. It is hoped that Fulford Road will reopen later today (Reopened at 2;00pm).

A64 and Tadcaster Road very busy.

Business, retail and tourist activities continuing with minimal disruption.

St Nicholas Fayre starts in City today