Additional parking restrictions have been agreed by the Council which will affect the Westfield Ward.
They differ slightly in some cases from the proposals advertised earlier in the year (see in an attempt to meet some of the objections registered by residents.
• In Gladstone Street, parking restriction will apply only to the raised table at the junction.
• In Askham Grove, the restrictions will apply only to the mouth of the cul de sac. The proposed restrictions opposite (on the west of Askham Lane) have been abandoned.
• The advertised proposals for Kingsway West were agreed and will see parking restrictions imposed outside number 111.
• The advertised restrictions at the junction of St Stephens Mews and The Green did not attract any objections and will be implemented without amendment.
A couple of objectors complained that they would be unable to park their vehicles unless the decision, to stop the verge cross over programme, was reversed (see )