New parking restrictions proposed in Westfield part of York

Traffic orders are being advertised which would see new parking restrictions imposed on some roads in the Westfield Ward. Several of these respond to resident requests dating back nearly 2 years.

The Council rather famously “ran out of yellow paint” during the last financial year following budget problems, so the delays to considering new requests were inevitable.

Details of the proposals can be found here:

It was agreed by the Council to advertise the Traffic Regulation Orders required to introduction restrictions in St Stephen’s Mews/The Green, Gladstone Street, Kingsway West, 4-12 Grange Lane (Turning Head), Grange Lane and Askham Grove/Askham Lane. If there are no objections raised approval was granted to implement the Traffic Regulation Order.

The streets that were considered for changes were:

1. St Stephen’s Mews/The Green – Agreed junction protection and protection of one side of the carriageway until private parking areas reached.

ST Stephens Mews

2. Clay Place – after consideration it was agreed to take no action at this time but to monitor the situation.

Clay Place

3. Hamilton Drive West – Agreed to No further action.

Hamilton Drive

4. Middleton Road – Agreed to No further action.

Middleton Road

5. Gladstone Street – Agreed for Officer to check the dropped kerb situation near the raised table and introduce any necessary safety measures.

Gladstone Street

6. Kingsway West – Agreed to proposed 10 m extension of waiting restrictions.

click to enlarge Kingsway West

7. 4-12 Grange Lane-Turning Head – Agreed to propose No waiting at Any time. White bar markings to be provided for Number 8 and Number 10 Grange Lane.
8. Grange Lane – after careful deliberation, it was agreed to advertise the proposed No Waiting at Any Time to give better access to driveway access and proposed No Waiting restrictions for turning head and access. It was also agreed to advertise No Stopping on Grass verges restrictions outside Westfield Primary Community School – subject to agreement by the Ward Councillors.

Grange Lane 1

Grange Lane 2

9. Askham Grove/Askham Lane – after discussion agreed to advertise proposed junction protection 10m on opposite the junction on Askham Lane.

Askham Grove