“No to green bin charges” petition

A resident has registered a petition on the Councils web site opposing the introduction of charges for emptying green garden waste bins.

The petition can be found by clicking here http://tinyurl.com/No-to-green-bin-charges.

Residents have until 6th September to record their support.

The York Council has so far failed to say how their promised “consultation” on the proposed charges will be undertaken.

Meanwhile in Sheffield, Labour have announced an annual charge of £57.60 for emptying green bins.

Elsewhere the charges have been described in the national media as a “stealth” tax.

York City centre shops still popular

The proportion of shop units in York City centre which are empty is much less than can be found in other parts of the country, according to figures that have been released by the City of York Council

Click to enlarge

The Council says:

• The number and percentage of city centre vacant shops has remained relatively static since April 2009.

• The last 12 months has seen small monthly seasonal fluctuations in both number and percentage, however the overall trend is a static one.

• The number of vacant shops as at 1/7/12 is below the average monthly figure between 1/4/09 and the present.

• Seasonal influences, month to month, affect the numbers of vacant properties with Summer and Christmas having the lowest percentage of the total.

• The total number of shops has decreased since April 2008, meaning the percentage of the total will be higher.

• York’s shop vacancy figure is approximately half that of the Region 15% and national figure of 14.5%.