What’s on: Upstaged at Explore

Sat 5 Sept: Explore York

upstage_251x267Partying is just part of daily life for Lizzy – and her mates are used to looking after her when she’s tripping on acid. It’s no big deal… until one night, when Lizzy takes more than she ever has before and things start to go very wrong.

In that moment, everything falls apart. Why are her friends freaking out so much? What was Lizzy trying to run away from anyway? And who are these four strangers, whose own problems seem to form a strange antidote to Lizzy’s overdose.

In a brand new production, Upstage Centre Youth Theatre brings you an original and beautiful snapshot of life for the city’s invisible young, using their own words and ideas. In this life-affirming tour de force you will be moved to question the very world beneath your window.

In addition to the performance at York Explore Library and Learning centre on 5th September, you can also catch this production on Friday 4th September, 7.30pm at Upstage Centre Youth Theatre and Sunday 6th September, 5.00pm at York Boxing Club.

Tickets are £7.50 (£5 concessions) at all venues and are available to buy online at www.whereimstood.com 

Suggested age limit: 12+ We advise parents that this production contains adult themes and strong language.

What’s on: Holiday Language courses from mid September

Je voudrais trois vin

Term starts mid September


If you’ve ever been abroad, you’ll remember the difficulty you can face when the locals don’t speak English. It can make even simple tasks difficult. What if you could learn the basics to get you by?

We offer basic language courses in French, Spanish,Italian and German.

You can learn how to introduce yourself, order from a cafe and find your way around town. A 10 week course could be all you need to take your next holiday to the next level.

Unfortunately, we can’t get rid of the check-in queues… Sorry.

You can find all of our language courses here, including intermediate and advanced.

Let’s put York’s vintage scene on the map


Date: Sun 30 Aug
Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm
Venue: Shambles Market
Cost: Free to enter, after that who knows.

Come along to the very first Vintage Fair in York on the 30th August where you will find a fantastic collection of vintage stalls.

You will be entertained while you shop by vintage musical performances, a series of children’s vintage themed fairground attractions, a stunning vintage salon (complete with ladies hair & make up, gents barber and nail bar) and photography area. 

Within the market setting, there are 20 traditional covered market stalls available and 5 gazebos.

There will also be a specially designed fitting area within one of the markets gazebos created so those Vintage clothing shoppers have the opportunity to try on all those wonderful pieces in a traditionally themed area!

Bigger Sky Ride for York on 13th September

Sky-Ride-Cycling-York-2013-5-©-OneOther-345x230The York Council has announced that on Sunday 13 September 2015 Sky Ride York will take to the city’s historic streets in partnership with British Cycling.

Due to the size and scale of the event there will be a number of temporary traffic and transport changes to ensure the safety of everyone taking part.

To view the 2015 Sky Ride York route go to www.goskyride.com/Yorkskyride

The Route

The traffic free route has been extended for 2015 to allow residents and visitors to see more of York whilst taking in some of the city’s most historic landmarks such as Clifford’s Tower and The Minster.

The 7km route starts at Clifford’s Tower and will see cyclists head up Castlegate and Coppergate before joining onto Pavement and passing York’s most famous street, The Shambles.

Riders will then turn left onto Colliergate and briefly see King’s Square before turning right onto St Andrewgate. They will then head onto Aldwark, Goodramgate, and Deansgate when York Minster will come into view. Riders will then head across the Minster Piazza and onto Duncombe Place before passing over Lendal Bridge onto Leeman Road.

The route will then see cyclists turn right past Memorial Gardens and along Wellington Row, Skeldergate and Terry Avenue where they will follow the Ouse until Rowntree Park.

Cyclists will then head along Butcher Terrace and turn left onto Bishopthorpe Road before turning left on the cycle path to bring them back down to the river and over Millennium Bridge. They will then follow the riverside cycle path back to Clifford’s Tower.

Traffic and Travel

The Sky Ride York route will be closed to all traffic from 10.30am until approximately 5pm, or as soon as possible after the event has finished to ensure the safety of everyone taking part. The inner ring road will be closed at Lendal Bridge for general traffic for the duration of the ride.

Residents and visitors are urged to make use of the city’s extensive Park&Ride network on the day, particularly by using the Park&Pedal facilities at any of York’s six Park&Ride sites.
Bus travel

Bus routes will be altered to ensure that access into and out of the city centre is maintained, whilst avoiding those roads closed as part of the route.  Revised timetables will be put into place to ensure the smooth running of bus services. Residents and visitors are being encouraged to check their travel plans in advance and allow extra time for their journeys on the day. A complete list of bus route diversions will be available to download from: http://www.itravelyork.info/events/sky-ride-york-2015

Car Parks

Castle car park will continue to be open on the day, however there will be reduced capacity to allow for one of the Sky Ride ‘activation zones’ featuring activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. A traffic management stop/go process will be in place here to assist the smooth flow of traffic. Esplanande car park will also be open and will have a traffic management stop/go system in place. St George’s Field car park will be open but will have a reduced amount of spaces during the day.

Rowntree Park car park will be closed on both Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September due to the Festival of Cycling taking place, as in previous years. For safety reasons there will be no access to parking inside the route.

For more information on Sky Ride York, or to register for the ride visit www.goskyride.com/York

Crazy cartoons at the beanbag cinema


Date: Thur 20 Aug
Time: 5.15pm – 6.30pm
Venue: New Earswick Library
Cost: £2 per child, £5 per family of 3

Come and share a whole load of “vintage” cartoons with your friends, children and maybe even grandchildren.

Will we show the cartoons you used to laugh out loud at?

Did they have the staying power to be funny to other generations?

Will you have to explain them?

Did Tom and Jerry ever speak?

Why was the Red Barron chasing a pigeon in a bi plane?

Will we answer any of these questions? Who knows, but for £2 per child and £3 per family of 3 plus you can come and see.

Cartoons start at 5.15pm and will finish about 6.30pm with a 15 minute intermission (remember those?) for popcorn and juice.

Suitable for ages 5 to 12 , and beyond. Book at any York Library, and particularly at New Earswick , 01904 552629 or email : newearswick@exploreyork.org.uk

Explore York Libraries in association with Cinema@

JORVIK medieval festival


archery-med-fest_229x344Date: Wed 19 Aug – Mon 31 Aug
Time: Various
Venue: Across York and Yorkshire
Cost: Vary per event

JORVIK Medieval Festival is a celebration of Yorkshire’s rich medieval heritage, with a series of special events on offer throughout the summer, there is something for everyone.  

Organised by The JORVIK Group, creators of the famous JORVIK Viking Festival, The JORVIK Medieval Festival offers visitors a wide range of events and activities for all the family to enjoy. 

 Try your hand as an eagle-eyed archer, discover mighty birds of prey with falconry demonstrations, see brave knights battle in thrilling re-enactments and spend the day in some of Yorkshire’s most idyllic settings.   

With an exciting programme of events and activities on offer; from interesting talks and lectures on subjects from battle wounds inflicted in the Middle Ages, to the re-discovery of Richard III, to family-friendly including ‘Medieval Merriment’ at the atmospheric Knaresbourgh Castle and the historic Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, as well as our themed ‘Little Diggers’ sessions at DIG you are sure to find something to keep you entertained this August.  

Discover all the events on offer at www.jorvikmedievalfestival.com

Church Explorers!

We’ve also teamed up with over 20 churches across Yorkshire for our ‘Church Explorers!’ programme, where you and your family are invited to discover the hidden medieval histories of some of God’s Own County’s most beautiful ecclesiastical buildings. With each church organising their own special event, with crafting opportunities, guided tours and local refreshments you are sure to have a unique experience at each venue.

Explore the Churches Involved (http://www.jorvikmedievalfestival.com/about/churchexplorers/)

For the latest news and events on JORVIK Medieval Festival sign up to our eNewsletter and follow the action on Twitter using the hashtag #JORVIKMedFest