Coronavirus York updates; 22nd April 2020

Corona virus cases in York increases

THE number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the City of York Council area has risen by nine, from 189 to 198. Another five patients with coronavirus have died at York Hospital, taking the total number of such fatalities there to 55

Football season ends for York City

The National League have announced that clubs have voted to formally end the 2019/20 football season. Details here:

It remains unclear which division York City will play in next season.

Council leaflets

After several weeks without any written communication the Council have now arrange to for two leaflets to be delivered in the space of 48 hours.

The first – an edition of “Our City” – was generally welcomed although it relied too much on recipients being users of electronic communications (It referred to web sites and gave email contact addresses).

“Ward” leaflets being delivered by Royal Mail

Three more leaflets have now been delivered by Royal Mail in the same envelope. One is another letter from the Council leadership which adds little to the similar foreword that they provided earlier in the week.

The second is another copy of the “orange” volunteer leaflet first delivered 3 weeks ago.

A third leaflet claims to provide “ward information”. In reality, the only “new” information are the mobile telephone numbers of the local Councillors. There is no information about local shops or delivery arrangements. A missed opportunity.

Recovery figures

Fifty York Hospital patients with coronavirus have now died – but York NHS trust bosses say admissions are falling and more than 130 patients have already been discharged.

Home Learning

 The DfE has updated guidance on supporting children to learn at home which includes links to a variety of learning apps for parents to use with their children as well as guidance and advice for parents at home with their children during the current situation.

 The BBC has unveiled its biggest push on education in its history supported by DfE- ensuring that every child in the UK has the opportunity to continue to follow the appropriate core parts of their national school curriculum in these challenging times. There are also some useful resources for pre-schoolers.

School qualifications

 The latest information for schools, students and parents on GCSEs, AS and A level awarding for summer 2020 is now available.

Warning about online radicalisation

 North Yorkshire Police and its community safety partners are supporting a campaign to tackle the threat of online radicalisation during the coronavirus emergency.

 Co-ordinated by Prevent and with a focus on its “Let’s Talk About It” website, it is aimed at young and vulnerable people who could be at risk of being groomed by extremist individuals and groups online.

 As with crimes such as fraud, child abuse and child sexual exploitation, the closure of schools and colleges has increased the chances of young people falling victim to online radicalisation while following the current social distancing and self-isolation rules.

 If you have an immediate concern that you need to share with a trained professional who will treat your enquiry with understanding and discretion, please call North Yorkshire Police on 101.

If you see or hear something suspicious, trust your instincts and ACT. Report it in confidence at Your actions could save lives.

More delays at Lowfield as “Yorspace” scheme struggles to find investors

Looks like there will be more delays on the Lowfield project as the communal housing section of the scheme has failed to attract sufficient investors.

It could mean the project will take even longer to complete.

It is not clear whether the Council and Yorspace have exchanged contracts for the sale (at a discount value) of the land in question.

The Councils track record on asset use is being increasingly criticised on social media with a deals for the sale of Willow House and 29 Castlegate (both empty for over 3 years) still not concluded

The Oakhaven building in Acomb is also still unused.

Given the claims made by Council leaders about addressing housing need urgently, the dithering on these projects is difficult to justify.

The Council is providing little useful update information on their Lowfields overall development timetable.

. Westfield Ward Councillors have been asked to “call in” the proposal which would see the perimeter railings removed. The local Lowfields Action Group say they have had no response to their enquiries about the plan.