The Face of York is revealed

The exhibition of York’s community arts project, The Face of York, launches public viewing at York Explore  from Friday 3 to Sunday 5 July and then at City Screen, Coney Street from Tuesday 7 to Monday 20 July. 

The community arts project was launched in March by York Learning and invited local groups and individuals to submit a portrait of themselves, friends or neighbours.

Over 15 groups took part from different organisations including the New Earswick Under 15’s Rugby League team, a local scout group, Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) classes, Danesgate School, Door 84, Accessible Arts, The Wilberforce Trust and YADDA (York and District

Dyslexia Association) as well as from York Learning’s own painting, drawing and family learning classes.
The portraits have been created in a stunning variety of different media including photos, mono prints, water colours and collages making for a vast, colourful and personal community display.

As part of the project, York Learning held a number of supporting workshops including portraiture photography, textiles and mixed media portraits to equip learners with the skills to produce creative portraits.



Councillor Nigel Ayre, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Tourism said:

“The Face of York project has been a great success, not just because of the huge number of York residents enjoying taking part but because of the superb quality of the portraits.

The display is a wonderful visual census of people in York today.”

Following the city centre exhibitions the display will be dismantled and smaller exhibitions will pop up around different locations in York showing portraits local to that area.