York Police launch Christmas campaign to keep York shoppers safe

York police will be carrying out high visibility patrols across the city to prevent crime in the run up to Christmas.


The operation runs from Sunday 1 December until Christmas Eve, focusing on the retail area in the city centre, as well as the McArthur Glen, Monks Cross and Clifton Moor shopping centres.

Police officers will focus their attention on preventing shoplifting, pick pockets stealing purses and mobile phones from bags, as well sneak-in burglaries at retail premises. They will also patrol the city’s car parks to deter thieves from stealing from unattended cars.

Anyone caught acting in an anti-social manner, such as begging for money, will be dealt with robustly.

Known offenders, who are spotted by officers, will be challenged to interrupt their activities and prevent them committing crime.

  • Shoppers can help themselves so they don’t become the victims of crime.
    •If they are carrying a bag, make sure that it is securely fastened and if it has a flap make sure that they have that side facing inwards
    •Don’t leave shopping unattended while looking at other items
    •If you are leaving shopping in a car, make sure it’s out of sight in the boot
