A report outlining options for the future development of York Music Hub and York Arts Education will be considered by the Executive Member for Education, Children and Young People on Thursday 30 June. The options are being considered to support the continued development of excellent music opportunities for children and young people in the city.
Based on an evaluation by managers and advice from York CVS’s consultancy service, the Executive Member will be asked to agree to separate the two operations. It is recommended that York Music Hub becomes a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and the case is investigated for York Arts Education to take on the legal entity of a social enterprise by forming a Community Interest Company (CIC).
York Music Hub is a strong partnership of music education providers in the city. York Arts Education, currently a lead partner, would continue to participate in the hub as a member. The hub, funded by the Arts Council England, aims to develop musical excellence and diversity through its commissioning and partnership work, its quality of music provision and by sharing best practice. Its objectives, in line with the National Plan for Music Education include: