Success!! Museum Gardens to reopen next week.

Our campaign to have the Museum Gardens reopened to the public has been successful.

The Garden will reopen to the public next week on Thursday 25th June.

They will be open 7 days a week but initially with restricted hours (10:30am – 6:00pm)

Our thanks to all who supported our campiagn and to Cllr Simon Daubeney who supported our representations.

A statement from the York Museums Trust reads;

York Museum Gardens managed by the charity York Museums Trust,  will reopen to the public from Thursday 25 June.

Initially the Gardens will reopen seven days a week from 10:30am to 6pm.

The Trust are really looking forward to welcoming people back to enjoy the gardens as they come into full summer bloom. We recognise how important the Gardens are to York and are keen to support the city as it comes out of lockdown. We would like to ask that everyone follows social distancing guidelines to ensure the Gardens are a safe and welcoming space as possible.

“York Museum Gardens are a registered botanical garden, requiring high levels of maintenance, gardening and security because of the special plants and trees, unique Scheduled Monuments and Listed buildings within them. The costs of our Gardens team and keeping the Gardens free to all are met by York Museums Trust as part of our work as a charity. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a loss of 70% of York Museums Trust’s income and we have had to furlough most staff.

As we open York Museum Gardens we ask anyone who enjoys the Gardens to consider donating to the charity, to help York Museums Trust continue to maintain such a fantastic space for generations to come.

To donate, please go to: