The York Council’s annual bash, at which employees are recognised for going the extra mile, left a bitter taste in the mouths of some volunteers last night.
The Council’s official Twitter account announced that an award for “Contribution to the Community” goes to “Volunteers at Foxwood Community Centre”.
In reality the award was presented to the – largely Council funded – Children’s Centre which rents a room at the Foxwood Community centre from time to time. Sure Start and the Children’s Centres in the City generally do a good job and their efforts are worth recognition.
However, the Councils communications team made a crass error last night (right).
The York Council gradually reduced – to zero – the grant that it gave the community centres operating in the City. This meant that the caretakers – employed by the Council – were sacked earlier in the year. Last month, the new Coalition run authority, agreed to reinstate an annual £4000 subsidy but this is much less than is needed to sustain the Community Centres in the long term.
In the meantime, the work of running the centres now falls on a handful of hard working volunteers. None of the volunteers are seeking recognition although a more supportive approach from the City of York Council would not go amiss.
Apparently last night’s jolly – held in the Assembly Rooms – was funded by sponsorship.
Looking through the list of sponsors, many turn out to be Council suppliers and contractors.