Good company, great food, Christmas crackers and all the trimmings are usually the ingredients for a great meal out during the festive season. But what about the food hygiene rating? Whatever your recipe for eating out this Christmas, make sure you choose one of the 1,604 of eateries in City of York with a rating of 3 or more.
There are over 800 establishments in York with the highest hygiene score of 5. They include the Acomb Explore Library.
Currently there are 4 premises with a zero food hygiene rating in York.
Look out for the green and black food hygiene rating stickers displayed on windows and doors to find out how businesses in the City of York area are doing. If you can’t see a sticker, then ask staff or check online at
The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme rates food businesses on their hygiene standards, based on inspections carried out by officers from the City of York Council, Food and Safety Unit. Businesses in the area are rated on a scale ranging from 0 which means ‘urgent improvement necessary’ to a top rating of 5 which is ‘very good’.
So, whether you’re planning a festive meal out with family, friends or work colleagues or just grabbing a quick lunch when out Christmas shopping; don’t just consider the menu – make sure you check the hygiene rating too!