City of York Council is inviting York-based groups, clubs or community organisations to apply for a discounted, concessionary day’s hire of York Barbican.
The council offers the concessionary days as part of its lease agreement with the Barbican’s operators, SMG. It’s interested in hearing from organisations who would like to take up one of the two bookings available in 2019.
The proposed events should be open and accessible to all. They should positively engage York’s communities, either by providing new opportunities for local residents to get involved as participants in putting on a show or event, or by creating new audiences, drawing in those who would not normally have the opportunity to attend cultural events. Above all, events must add to the quality and vibrancy of York’s offer. Events which are primarily designed to be fund-raisers are not supported.
Recent events have included Tang Hall SMART hosting an event involving a wide range of community groups from the Tang Hall area in an inclusive community gig.