The news that Sky/TalkTalk are to launch an ultrafast broadband service in the City, possibly as early as next year, is welcome.
The high speeds on offer will be a boon to businesses in the City particularly those in the technology reliant sectors.
It may also provide a boost for “home workers”.
The City has many broadband providers but the domestic market is dominated by the BT network and Virgin.
Virgin in particular provides a high speed service – shortly to increase to 150 mps in some areas – which most leisure/domestic users will find adequate. It comes at a price though.
Competition is generally good for the consumer.
There may, however, be some downsides.
Unless the new network provider – CityFibre – can utilise existing utility ducts, we could be in for another period of damaged footpaths. NTL (Virgins predecessor) didn’t win many friends as it ploughed up the City’s streets nearly 20 years ago.
A technique called “micro trenching” will apparently be used (details here)
And pricing will be important. Commercial users will take a hardnosed approach.
Residents living in the suburbs and villages around York may, however, find that the market simply couldn’t fund the new infrastructure at this point in time.
We will see.
In the meantime the Council Leadership is promising “citywide” coverage.