Call for nominations for Apprentice of the Year in York

Has your apprentice made a real difference to your business? Do you want your business or your apprentice to be recognised by the city?

apprenticeshipsCity of York Council is calling for nominations for a set of awards that recognise and celebrate the best apprentices working in the city. The deadline is 7 October 2016.

There are five award categories:

  • York Apprentice of the Year aged 16-24 (smaller employer)
  • York Apprentice of the Year aged 16-24 (larger employer)
  • York Apprentice of the Year (aged 25+)
  • York Smaller Employer of the Year (less than 50 employees)
  • York Larger Employer of the Year (50+ employees)

Nominations will be assessed by an independent panel, all nominees will be recognised on the evening and the winners will be presented with prizes supported by the Master Guilds and the council.

For an apprentice to be eligible for an award, they must have completed their apprenticeship qualification between 1 November 2015 and 31 October 2016.

Cllr Keith Aspden, Deputy Leader of City of York Council with responsibility for Economic Development and Community Engagement, said: “Those young people who choose an Apprenticeship do so because they want to commit to a career, and local businesses and employers welcome their choice. This award scheme is a further way in which we can show how Apprentices in York are valued for the business benefits they bring and for the promise of a well-trained workforce in the future. Please do nominate your business’s best Apprentices and give them the recognition they deserve.”

Deadline for submitting nomination forms is Friday 7 October and the nomination form is here: or for more information, please email:

York minerals and waste plan update

Fracking to be discussed by York Council committee on 10th October

Fracking dangersA joint minerals and waste plan for York and North Yorkshire will take another step forward next month, when City of York Council’s Local Plan Working Groups and subsequently its Executive, will be asked to approve the draft Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.

North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority have joined together to produce a new minerals and waste plan for the area covered by the three authorities.

The report also deals with the issues relating to hydraulic fracturing for shale gas (fracking) in terms of what policies would be included in the Draft Minerals and Waste Plan to deal with any potential future applications for shale gas exploration or extraction in the Joint Plan area.  The Joint Plan will help make sure a high level of protection is provided to local communities and the environment when planning applications for these forms of development are being considered.

A first consultation was undertaken within the three authority areas in June 2013 and was followed by an Issues and Options consultation in April 2014 which received 2,405 responses. Both consultations sought views on what the Joint Plan should contain and what the priorities should be.

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

Acomb Wood Drive public payphone faces axe

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue

Acomb Wood Drive payphone

Acomb Wood Drive payphone

Telephone Kiosk Opposite Acomb Wood Shopping Centre Acomb Wood Drive York

Proposal              Removal of public payphone

Reference           16/02147/TCNOT


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received