Westfield Liberal Democrat campaigner Andrew Waller is demanding answers to questions on garden support provided to elderly and disabled tenants in the area.
Lawn and hedge cutting is provided to tenants who are not in a position to do the work themselves – with the funds coming from the rental accounts.
Earlier in the year dissatisfaction levels increased as work was not done at the right time, and the contract was taken off the company, but tenants had no say in the replacement.
Gardens had become so overgrown that the catch up work was immense but residents were asking why the council had let the situation become so bad.
Andrew said
“Elderly residents have been left wondering what on earth is going on and then given conflicting advice. As their rent money is paying for the service it was disappointing that they were not consulted on the replacement contract. There are already concerns about the current service.
There should be more involvement with the people who are receiving the service. Not all of these people are on email or twitter and yet this it is not clear how they can register their concerns.
One resident in Chapelfields was so concerned about the brambles growing out of her hedge that I cut back the branches to avoid injury.”