42% of residents have named the control of litter and detritus as the public service most in need of improvement in the Cornlands Road area.
Just over 200 responses have so far been analysed for the area bordered by Gale Lane and Tennent Road.
The door to door suvey was undertaken during May.
Residents also listed other services needing improvement
Better ice clearance | 37% |
More off street parking | 32% |
Improve drainage | 29% |
Tidier verges | 27% |
Improve lighting | 24% |
Other | 5% |
In addition 38% said dog fouling was a problem in their street.
20% had had difficulty contacting the Council to report an issue. Housing repairs was the service mentioned most often
Large numbers want to see more off street car parking provided in Tennent Road, Thoresby Road and St Stephens Road.
The most requested activity suggested for the nearby Energise leisure centre was for school aged youths closely followed by events aimed at pensioners.
Asked how long it had been since they saw a police officer or PCSO in their street, responses varied from a few days to over a year. Asked how they would like the Police to keep in touch by far the most popular medium was leaflets.
This was followed by visits, telephone calls and meetings.
Finally residents gave their verdict on some topical issues.
The York Council should take up the governments grant offer and freeze Council Tax levels | Agree | 89% |
Disagree | 0% | |
Unde | 11% | |
I support the deployment of more “number plate recognition cameras” in York (A Labour Council plan which could lead to local motorists paying an additional £150,000 in fines) | Agree | 25% |
Disagree | 50% | |
Unde | 25% | |
The Minster Badge residents discount parking scheme should be retained | Agree | 85% |
Disagree | 1% | |
Unde | 13% | |
The Council should spend more on improving sub-urban and residential areas even if this means spending less on paving projects in the City centre | Agree | 75% |
Disagree | 6% | |
Unde | 19% |
Over 70 individual issues were raised with local LibDem representatives on the doorstep.. These issues are now being taken up with the responsible authorities