Rubbish skips this weekend Saturday 1st March

Although the Council has cut back on the number of amenity skips it provides, several residents associations continue to run programmes aimed at making it easier for tenants to get rid of unwanted items.

The skips are only in place for a few minutes and residents must ensure that they put any rubbish into the skips and do not leave it on the path or highway.

1 Don Ave 08:30 09:30
2 North lane 10:30 11:30
3 Viking Rd 12:30 13:30

4 Kingsway West 08:30 09:30
5 Stuart Rd 10:30 11:30

6 Ebor St 12:30 13:30
7 Lindsey Ave 08:30 09:30
8 Bursall Drive 10:30 11:30

9 Windsor Garth 12:30 13:30

Residents to bid for unused buildings?

Crystal Palace pub and Fordland’s care home first to be considered in York

The York Council is to consider next week the first applications from community groups who want to be given the right to bid to buy what they regarded as community use buildings.

Fordlands EPH

Fordlands EPH

The buildings being considered are the Crystal Palace pub in Holgate and the Fordland’s Elderly Persons Home in Fulford.

Government legislation now requires Councils to maintain a list of “assets of community value”.

The purpose behind these provisions is to ensure that property (land and building) assets which are currently used to the benefit of the local communities are not disposed of without the local community being given a fair opportunity to bid for these assets when they are put on the open market. This right is not simply to accommodate ‘public assets’ but also private assets, the test is whether such assets are viewed as ‘assets of community value’.

These assets therefore could be currently owned by the public, private or voluntary sector.

The nomination for the Crystal Palace pub comes from the cooperative that took over its running a few months ago. Their application is supported by officials.

The Fordland’s application comes from the Fulford Parish Council who want to run the building as an interpretation centre. It is redundant under the Councils elderly person’s modernisation plans. Officials are recommending that the building is not added to the list.

Admission to the list means that the community group will be able to submit a bid for the properties as and when they come onto the market. There is no guarantee that their bid will be the highest or that t would be accepted by the owners..

Some building owners have criticised the scheme as it potentially could delay, by up to 6 months, regeneration schemes .

Adoption information event

City of York Council is hosting one of its regular Information Events for anyone interested in finding out more about adoption next week (Monday 3 March).

The information events, which are help jointly with North Yorkshire County Council and East Riding Council, provide an informal opportunity to anyone interested in adoption to find out more about what’s involved.

The next information session will be held at West Offices in York on Monday 3 March between 6.30 and 8.00pm. To book a place please  call 01904 553525or email
