A Council spokesman was asked at the last meeting to agree to bus service reliability stats being published.
“Would the Cabinet Member join with me in congratulating First York on arranging to consult with passengers before deciding what changes to introduce to routes in the autumn, and would he also join with me in urging First to publish the service reliability data that it holds for each route to ensure an informed discussion on the need for changes?”
The response was cautious
“We understand that First will be looking to implement changes resulting from the consultation over the coming months and we look forward to working with them and with the City’s other bus operators to deliver a local bus network which better meets the needs of York’s residents”.
And Monty Python would have been proud of the response to the question on reliability,
“With regard to service reliability data, First operates services on a commercial basis, and continue to regard this data as commercially sensitive.
Certainly this data is key to understanding how services might be improved and the Council will continue to work with First and with other bus operators, to encourage them to demonstrate, including to the public, that network improvements are evidence based and that any changes made produce improvements.
So that’s a “No” then!