York Council to opt out of planning freedoms. Blow to new homes hopes.

empty shops

The Council has revealed that it intends to opt out of changes to planning laws which would have allowed building owners to change use from commercial to residential without the expense involved in submitting a planning application.

The move is likely to be a blow to those hoping to bring empty commercial properties back into use.

The Council say that demand for city centre business premises is buoyant in York.

Their case can be read here

The number of people on the council housing waiting list in York is now 4720

North Lane, Huntington closed TOMORROW (Monday) for resurfacing

road works

City of York Council will be carrying out essential carriageway maintenance works on North Lane, Huntington next week.

The works will take place on Monday 24 June, between the hours of 8am and 6pm. In order to carry out these works safely, a temporary road closure of North Lane will be necessary.

During the road closure there will be no access for vehicles except in emergencies, and no on-street parking.

Outside the proposed working hours the road will remain open as usual with no restrictions imposed.

Partnership to achieve a dementia friendly York being launched tomorrow

Java Printing

York is launching its local dementia action alliance called York Dementia Without Walls on Monday 24 June 2013, at an event held in the council’s new West Offices.

Partners from across the city, including local businesses, community groups, individuals and public services will be gathering at the morning event (9.00 – 12.00) to discuss ongoing work to make York a more dementia friendly community, and plans to inspire continued action and awareness raising.

York is an early adopter of a national pilot recognition scheme for dementia friendly communities, led by the Alzheimer’s Society. Organisations and businesses that sign-up to the values in the recognition scheme and publish the action they are intending to take, will be able to display the recognised dementia friendly logo in their shop or service.
