York market helps start-up entrepreneurs set up stall

Newgate market

First-time entrepreneurs are being given the chance to test their business ideas on the open market for free.

Future Prospects has been working with the markets team to make available free stalls for entrepreneurs during national Love Your Local Markets Week.

We’re offering free stalls to start-up businesses between 22 and 29 May – a great way to help grow a new generation of market traders. It’s a way of testing the market in a city centre trading location and getting newcomers to business to work alongside the professionals at Newgate while adding to the shopping on offer at our historic daily market.


St Stephens Square parking area work set to start

St Stephen's Square

St Stephen’s Square

Work on providing the long awaited parking are on St. Stephen’s Square is starting shortly.

The scheme to provide off street parking dates back to 2010.

Proposed layout of parking area

Proposed layout of parking area

Planning disputes have resulted in a 3 year delay.

The main issue was what surfacing to use with a grid system eventually being adopted. This allows water to drain through it and gives the appearance of a grassed area.

The planning application was finally approved at the beginning of the year.

The need for more off street parking was identified when buses on St Stephens Road had difficulty negotiating the corner.

Some vehicles were also parked on verges causing damage.

A 59 roundabout works start on 10th June

Poppleton Bar Park and Ride site and A59 improvements. Click to enlarge

Poppleton Bar Park and Ride site and A59 improvements. Click to enlarge

The Council has confirmed that work will start on the Poppleton Bar Park and Ride site, and with it an enlarged A59/A1237 roundabout, on 10th June.

There is likely to be an increase in journey times over the next few months for residents living on the west of the City.

Considerable congestion is expected at certain times of the week during the autumn when the Council also plans to close Lendal Bridge to private vehicles.

The contractor for the A59 works will be Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering Ltd. Construction design drawings showing what they will build can be downloaded from the City Council website at www.york.gov.uk/poppletonbar .

List of Acomb and Westfield Wards planning applications received between 13th – 17th May

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council. Full details can be found by clicking by quoting the application reference on the “planning portal” web site. <a

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received.

1 Robinson Drive York YO24 3HS Ref No: 13/00567/FUL Proposal: Installation of aerials to 1-9 Robinson Drive (retrospective) Applicant: Mr Shaun Brennan Consultation Expiry Date 10 June 2013 Case Officer:Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL

95 Green Lane Acomb York YO24 3DJ Ref No: 13/01168/FUL Proposal: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions Applicant: Ms Dawn Simpson Contact Mr J Funnell Consultation Expiry Date10 June 2013 Case Officer: Heather Fairy (Mon – Wed) Expected Decision DEL

63 Acomb Wood Drive York YO24 3XN Ref. No: 13/01270/FUL | Single storey rear extension Received: Tue 14 May 2013 | Validated: Wed 15 May 2013 | Status: Pending Consideration

Global market brings international flavours to York on Thursday

An award-winning Global Village Market is set to bring a real international flavour to Parliament Street in York.

international market1

Opening on Thursday 6 June, traders from around the world will be resident for four days bringing an array of their regional products for a taste sensation that’s not to be missed.

The Global Village market will be bring a variety of new tastes to the city. Island Spice Grill will showing their skill with spices used to create tasty jerk chicken, veggie wraps and lamb dishes.

Complementing this are Meats of the World will be offering a range of exotic cuts from ostrich, impala, crocodile and wild boar.

Italian traders will be bringing a tempting array of biscotti, cakes and soft nougat while Jimmy Bean will display a wide selection of rich-flavoured coffee beans – ground to your liking – alongside a selection of loose leaf teas.

The traditional German Schwenkgrill will be sizzling tasty Bratwurst sausage alongside Crepes Temptation with their French pancakes, galettes and some tasty Brussels waffles.
