The Council is to consider, on 18th April, a petition which asks for the night time closure of the snickets leading off Ashbourne Way
The snickets are well used during the day, not least by children attending the Woodthorpe School.
Night time closures have been tried before – notably in the nearby Carrfield/Foxton/Chantry Close area – where, in 2009, a similar plan was abandoned following objections by local residents.
Schemes of this sort now tend to rely on mechanisms which automatically lock and unlock a gate at a particular time. None have worked successfully in York other than perhaps that located at the rear entrance to the railway station, from Lowther Terrace, although there the access is part of the cycle network.
Such heavy duty gates are expensive to install and maintain.
Council officials have previously ruled out, on cost grounds, using staff to lock this type of gate while the use of volunteers has been ruled out on reliability grounds.
The meeting on 18th is likely to be asked only to consider whether the request should be put out for more general consultation.