For the first time in over 200 years the York Council is to consider a formal policy which could lead it to severing communications with those residents whose views it does not share.
A report to be considered on 19th March suggests that residents who are persistent with a complaint, or in advocating a particular policy, may be prevented from communicating with officers and Councillors.
Councillors may decide to consign Email messages from residents to a “junk folder”!
While no one would condone abusive behavior, the move is likely to be seen as just another example of the bunker mentality* of many Labour Councillors.
The section of the report that refers to Councillors says, “A Councillor may decide that they no longer wish to have contact with a particular member of the public. In such cases consideration should be given to whether the use of a Junk Mail folder is the best option”. Staggering arrogance from public servants who are elected to stand up for residents.
Up until 2011, Councillors – of all parties – managed to deal with constituents without resorting to pulling up the electronic drawbridge.
If a Councillor or official is threatened, then that may be a matter for the Police to deal with.
“Otherwise live with it or stand aside and let an adult take your place!”.
(*Bunker mentality: An attitude of extreme defensiveness and self-justification based on an often exaggerated sense of being under persistent attack from others)