Another of Labours populist policies – reintroducing the left turn lane at Clifton Green – has been implemented at a cost of around £12,000. The general vehicle lane was replaced by a cycle lane about 2 years ago when the change received all party support. It formed a small part of a much larger improvement which saw lighting columns replaced, maintenance work completed on the bridge and roads resurfaced.
There have been no serious accidents at the junction since the changes were made.
The Council’s professional officers recommended against any further changes pointing to the potentially increased hazard now cyclists are propelled onto a section of carriageway where some vehicles are trying to accelerate into the new left turn lane. Weaving between traffic lanes can be particularly dangerous for cyclists if there are HGVs in one of the lanes. This is likely to be less of a hazard at peak times (am & pm) when traffic speeds will be low.
For most of the day, the Clifton Green junction has free flow conditions. The left turn lane will make little difference at those times (lunchtime 4th Sept The easing of the congestion at the junction is partly due to the success of the remodeled roundabout on the A1237 at Rawcliffe.
However even at off peak periods, access to the left turn lane – which can accommodate up to 6 vehicles – is likely to be blocked on occasions by right turning traffic queuing back from the lights. (
At peak times the junction will continue to be – as it has been for over a decade – “over capacity”. This means that the length of queues will remain much the same.
What everyone will be watching is the accident record at the junction.
NB. The annual Festival of Cycling is taking place this weekend on the Knavesmire. For more details see