New petition on York Council web site

Local resident Ashley Mason who is helping to organise the petition to save the refuse sack distribution

Residents living in the South Bank and Clifton parts of the City have launched a campaign aimed at persuading the Council to continue issuing refuse sacks to those living in terraced houses and flats. Labour Councillors are currently planning to discontinue the service at the end of the month.

The petition reads:
“We request the York Council to continue to issue refuse bags free of charge to those households in the City who are unable to accommodate other types of waste container”.

In support of the petition residents say; “For many years the Council has issued a supply of biodegradable refuse sacks to properties such as terraced houses and flats where the provision and storage of wheeled bins – which are provided free of charge to other households in the City – is impractical. The sacks ensure that refuse is stored and presented for collection in a tidy and sanitary way. The Council has announced – without any consultation with residents – that it will cease the distribution of the sacks shortly. This means that residents will have to buy their own. There is a concern that refuse will be presented in unsuitable containers increasing the risk of spillage and vulnerability to attacks by rodents and other animals. The new policy would discriminate against those residents living in areas of terraced housing. The petition seeks a review of the Councils policy”.

The petition can be “signed” on the Councils web site at “Have your say” ePetitions.

Meanwhile volunteers have collected a further 200 signatures on the “Save the Beckfield Lane recycling centre” petition. They had a stall on Front Street on Wednesday. This petition can also be “signed” on the Councils web site where it has already secured the support of 128 visitors.