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The meeting last night was attended by 5 residents. They heard that the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust – who have received a large Lottery Grant to pursue an “Edible York” style project – hope to use part of the park to grow food.
The scheme varies from conventional allotments as the produce is effectively given away.
It appears that they want to use the playground – within the low level railings – for the project (as this will deter any stray dogs).
A further “on site” meeting will take place on Saturday 21st January at 1:00pm (see flyer right)
However, this could mean an end to the ambitions to provide play facilities on the park. Such facilities have been on “hold” pending the removal of the Public Right of Way across the park which currently makes securing the area at night impossible.
Liberal Democrat campaigner Andrew Waller is leading the fight to get the Council to divert the public footpath and use monies, provided by the developer of the adjacent bungalow site, to install lockable gates for the park.
Andrew Waller at entrance to Cornlands Park