While not prejudging the cause of the M5 road crash, it is salutory to note that the Police objected to a proposed fireworks display at the Rawcliffe Park and Ride site last year because of the danger of drivers on the nearby ring road being “distracted” by the activities.
Seems that their concerns may have been justified.
on a lighter note
Big development proposed for The Green, Acomb
A planning application has been submitted to demolish a bungalow and garage at 42A The Green. It would be replaced with 3 x 3 bedroomed houses and a block containing 3 x 1 bedroomed and 3 x 2 bedroomed flats.
15 car parking spaces will be provided . Currently 5 spaces exist
This is the largest proposed change in The Green conservation area for many years. Although the existing properties on this site are unlikely to be regarded as critical for the integrity of the traditional streetscape, attention is likely to concentrate on the impact and scale of the proposals.
As the site is in a conservation area it will need special consent.
The application is due to be determined by the Council by 16th December.
Details can be found on the public planning access web site at http://planning.york.gov.uk/PublicAccess Reference 11/02713/CAC