

Moor Lane

London Bridge

London Bridge

London Bridge

Graffiti at London Bridge

The media are reporting that a new “app” for iPhones is being launched by the council to make reporting problems with graffiti and fly tipping easier. They claim that this will reduce the number of problems that residents see.
This seems unlikely as residents are already able to telephone in problems using the York Pride Action Line (York 551551 – although you now initially get through to someone telling you about “Smarter York”) or “on line” at the Councils web site.
The key to a cleaner enviroment is respect and prevention.
Once a problem has occurred then the Council response has to be prompt.
All the problems in the photos were reported “on line” on 23rd Auguast

Chapelfields open day

We understand that the “Chapelfields Community Association” are planning an open day at Sanderson Court on Saturday 10th September
The day will start at 11am and the building will be open until 4pm.
During the day there will be refreshments, live music, face painting, story-times, a bouncy castle, and other activities for children and adults. There will also be the launch of the Chapelfields Archive which is a project to gather memorabilia about the estate to preserve its history for future generations.