It is difficult to see a happy outcome now for the Union Terrace saga.
A little more patience and a compromise with broad support might have been found.
Now the scheme looks to be heading for the law courts although not until the item has been “called in” for scrutiny (the Leadership don’t have to respect any criticisms that may result from that process) and subsequently the formal consideration of the public consultation exercise (which is devalued because it excludes the “no sale” option)
The Councils consultation document can be found at
It’s a shame, what has happened, because the Council did have a way of resolving competing priorities, with the full involvement of residents and other stakeholders, through the LDF local plan process.
I have been asked to publish my statement on my knowledge of St Johns ambitions and the timeline which led up to the sale proposal being tabled by the Council’s Labour Leadership. I am happy to do so below.