DATE: Various, weeks commencing 8th August, 19th September, 31st October and 12th December 2011
VENUE: Energise and Yearsley Pools
TIME: Daytime and evening classes available
COST: £18 for 6 weeks
Targeted adult swimming courses, something for everyone from beginners, welcome back to the pool, learn front crawl and fitness training
Beginner’s classes are suitable for anyone who has never had the opportunity to learn to swim, is frightened of the water or has had a previous bad experience in water. Age is not a limiting factor and all ages are welcome to attend.
Welcome back to the pool is a class for anyone who has been away from swimming for a number of years or has suffered a life changing event, whether an injury, medical condition, disability or emotional trauma and would like to be supported back into swimming.
Learn front crawl aims to teach people the basics of front crawl technique. The class is suitable for people who are able to swim comfortably out of their depth in breaststroke or backstroke and would like to have the opportunity to learn a new stroke.
Develop front crawl aims to help people improve their front crawl stroke technique. The class is suitable for people who can swim a few lengths of front crawl but would like some help with stroke technique to improve breathing patterns, stroke length, speed and stamina.
Fitness Training aims to help you to take your swimming to the next level, and give you innovative ideas and programmes to develop your speed and stamina in the pool. The class is suitable for anyone who regularly swims but would like to push themselves to achieve more fitness benefits from their swimming.
All classes will be taught by ASA level 2 qualified and experienced swimming teachers and class numbers will be kept small to ensure participants receive individual feedback and are helped to achieve their aims.
Course places are available to book via Yearsley Pool and Energise from Monday 11th April 2011. Please call in at reception at either centre to confirm your place with payment (£18) or telephone 01904 552424. or visis:
If you have any general enquires please contact:
Catherine Butt, Aquatics Community Sports Coach, Sport and Active Leisure
Tel: 07825 863007 / e-mail: