The last in our pre election look at the last 4 years in the Westfield part of York
Changes to the Tudor Road Kingsway West road junction were modified following residents representations…….. New operators SMG announced detailed plans for the Barbican reopening. A Morrissey concert quickly sold out…………… The Council house modernisation programme reached an historic milestone with all properties in York now meeting “decent homes” standards. These included a large number that benefited from the “York Pride” enhanced standards agreed in 2003 when the LibDems took over control of the Council.
After some indecision, the majority of residents in the Green Lane terraced area opted to have wheeled bins to store refuse. Most though choose to use plastic sacks to present their rubbish…………. A new sports village was announced for the Hull Road area. It includes a competition standard swimming pool, indoor & outdoor sports and athletics facilities………….. Volunteers set out to deliver our Christmas card to everyone – just as the heaviest snow fall ever recorded hit the area. We turned our attention to trying to keep the salt bins topped up.
York High school won a £4000 grant to restore a nature reserve…………… There was a lot of good news as it was revealed that crime in the City had fallen from 23148 in 04/05 to 14481 in 09/10……… The numbers killed and seriously injured on our roads had reduced from 100 in 2003 to 60 in 2009…………… Homeless numbers were down from 400 to 130 during the same period of time……….. The new Lidl store opened on 3rd February while a Valentines Ball, in aid of the Lord Mayors charities, raised over £10,000……………In the wake of the winter weather a public meeting heard how Yorkshire Water intend to address residents concerns in the future. Better communications were promised although frozen pipes could not always be prevented………….. A 20 mph zone in the Beaconsfield Street was confirmed by the Council and vehicle activated speed signs were erected on Green Lane.
In April works started on the Grange Lane park playground and Sue Galloway announced her retirement from the Council. She is replaced on the LibDem ticket by St Stephens Road resident Mark Waudby who faces the electorate in the 5th May poll….. Over 1060 Westfield residents opt to vote by post in the local elections – the largest number ever.