Cllr Sue Galloway has announced that she will not be seeking re-election when the City Council elections take place on May 5th.
First elected in 1979, Sue has represented the Westfield Ward, without a break, for the intervening 32 years.
During that time she has served on most Council committees and is currently the Councils second longest serving member.
She was the Executive member with responsibility for Social Services during the first Liberal Democrat administration in 2003 and pioneered in 2006 the ”Telecare” system which is now revolutionising how elderly people live safely in their own homes in the City.
She is one of the driving forces behind York’s increasingly successful performance in the “Britain in Bloom” contest.
She also led on the successful “Kingsway Project” – an initiative which has seen unemployment fall in one of the poorer areas of the City and which is now being expanded to include other neighbourhoods.
Sue became Lord Mayor in May 2010 and has already helped to raise over £30,000 for her charities (British Heart Foundation & Our Celebration)
Commenting Sue said
“Obviously, after such a long time, I will be sad to leave the council and in particular to have less contact with residents in the Westfield area.
The City has changed dramatically over the last 30 years. When I first entered politics the Liberal Party had only a small number of Councillors but this grew over the years, until in 2003 we had a landslide victory at the polls.
I like to think that I have made my mark on the City during that time.
The numbers using the Councils Social Services continues to increase and we are lucky to have a dedicated team of carers to look after them.
In my own ward all the local schools have been modernised
New public transport services, like that provide by the ftr, were the stuff of science fiction comics in the 70’s.
We should not forget that it is only relatively recently that we got a northern by pass. Until that time HGVs regularly chugged their way through the City centre causing pollution and congestion.
I was delighted when the new Energise sports centre was established on Cornlands Road – and amazed when over 400,000 used it in its first year.
The “Explore” library in Front Street has also been hugely popular and has set new standards for public access which will now be rolled out to the rest of the City.
But the time has come to pass the reins on to someone younger.
I wish whoever is elected as my successor on May 5th every success in representing the Westfield community”