Consultation has started on how access to Hob Moor school can be made safer. Following concerns raised about road safety on Green Lane, it is proposed to introduce warning signing and pedestrian improvements at the main entrance to the School site. These proposals are shown overleaf.
There is little existing signing on Green Lane highlighting the presence of the school. It is therefore proposed to introduce warning signs and road markings similar to those on other arms of the roundabout to ensure that drivers are aware that large numbers of children should be expected at school times.
The multi–use site has several accesses and children travelling from all directions. This results in a lot of pedestrian crossing movements across the vehicular access to the school. Unfortunately, this is also at a point where visibility and footway provision is poor. In order to address this, it is proposed to extend the footway and introduce dropped kerbs to assist pedestrians with pushchairs or mobility aids. In addition, the crossing point will be highlighted with red surfacing.