York Council staff absence through stress hits record high

The proportion of sickness absences recorded by Council employees, because of stress related issues, reached a record high during the last financial year.

21.8% of absences were put done to stress compared to a previous high of 19.5% seen in 2010/11

Dates Days Lost/FTE (all) Days Lost/FTE (stress) % of absence days lost because of stress
01/04/2009-31/03/2010 8.98 1.74 19.38
01/04/2010-31/03/2011 10.48 2.04 19.51
01/04/2011-31/03/2012 8.56 1.22 14.25
01/04/2012-31/03/2013 8.63 1.68 19.47
1/04/1013-31/03/2014 9.15 1.99 21.79

Overall the number of sickness days per employee has also risen to 9.2%

The Council has not yet commented on the worrying trend