York Council in new Traveller and Showmans site search

The York Council has announced a new search for possible sites for Gypsies and a Showman’s Yard.

Showman's site Wetherby Road Knapton Withdrawn in July
Showman’s site Wetherby Road Knapton Withdrawn in July

The announcement falls sort of asking for residents suggestions.


That is a mistake given the controversy which greeted the arbitrary allocation of land announced under Labour’s draft Local Plan last April.

The Council has issued a media release saying,

An updated study is underway which will help determine suitable locations for the development of Gypsy, Roma & Traveller and Showpeople sites in York, ahead of the next stage of York’s Local Plan consultation in 2014.

City of York Council has a statutory requirement to identify needs and allocate land and so has commissioned an external study in to the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller and Showpeople Housing Needs and Site Identification which will be used to inform and help determine which sites in York are suitable to be included in the Local Plan submission draft early next year.

The submission draft of the Local Plan is expected to published for consultation in Spring 2014.

The revised study will provide an update on the North Yorkshire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2007/8) and the North Yorkshire Accommodation Requirements of Showpeople (2009).

It will also build on the work carried out by council officers in the Gypsy, Traveller and Showpeople Accommodation Needs Supporting Paper (June 2013) which were all supporting documents in the recent Local Plan Preferred Options consultation.
