Chapelfields residents start “improve our neighbourhood petition”

With Liberal Democrat backing, residents in the Chapelfields area have started a petition aimed at improving their estate.

Chapelfields Petition

Chapelfields Petition

Poor street sweeping

Poor street sweeping

Verge damage

Verge damage

Blocked footpaths

Blocked footpaths

Poorly maintained garage areas

Poorly maintained garage areas

Blocked drainage gulleys

Blocked drainage gulleys

Poor road surfaces

Poor road surfaces

Misaligned street signs

Misaligned street signs

Weed growth next to traffic islands

Weed growth next to traffic islands

Good response to “improve our neighbourhood” petition

A steady stream of petition forms, from most parts of the Westfield area, are arriving.

Petitioners are asking for the Council to deal with several long standing issues in the neighbourhood including the need to repair local roads.

Over 20 issues (see sample below) have been highlighted by residents. These have been passed on to the Council using  the “My Council” web app.

York Housing Association have agreed to remove this dumping from the Haddon Close snicket "within the next few days"

York Housing Association have agreed to remove this dumping from the Haddon Close snicket “within the next few days”

Litter, detritus and vandalism on the Walton Place to Grange Lane snicket has been reported.

Litter, detritus and vandalism on the Walton Place to Grange Lane snicket has been reported.

Bellwood estate residents backing “improve our neighbourhood” petition

A petition aimed at improving the appearance of sub-urban estates has got a boost from tenants living in the Bellwood Drive estate.



Obstructed paths

Obstructed paths

Litter drift

Litter drift

Neglected playground

Neglected playground

They complain about litter, dumping, poorly maintained communal areas and overgrown hedges. Most verges need edging and leaf detritus has been a hazard on some footpaths for over 6 months.

The issues have been raised with the landlord – the Middlesbrough based Accent Housing Association – and with the council.

Improve our neighbourhood petition

Road repairs petition started in York

Damaged road hump

Damaged road hump

Residents have started a petition aimed at increasing the amount that the York Council invests in resurfacing roads and footpaths.

Speed humps and road surfaces in Hamilton Drive, Middleton/Stuart Road, Windsor Garth, and Ascot Way are crumbling into disrepair.

Residents say that they are a particular danger for cyclists although some car drivers have also started to complain about damage to tyres.

In addition many verges have been destroyed by vehicles during the extended period of wet weather. Things have got worse since the Council abandoned its programme of providing lay-bys and verge crossovers through Ward Committees.

Damaged verge

Damaged verge

Money is available to pay for repairs as the Council is getting around £2 million a year in “new homes bonus” income from developments like the one starting on the nearby Our Lady’s school site.

It is also sitting on £1.3 million in fines income raised through camera enforcement of the Lendal Bridge/Coppergate restrictions. This money must, by law, be spent on “transport”.

Residents say the funds should be invested in highways repairs.

The Council will decide on Thursday how much of its budget to allocate to highways repairs.

The budget allocation had been nearly halved during 2013 compared to the amount being spent in 2011.

It was reported yesterday that the number of claims against the Council, for damage caused to vehicles during 2013, had increased compared to the previous year.

E petition started as Council stops green bin collection

This is the last day that the Council will be emptying green bins this winter.

Green bin 2

One resident has started an “on line” petition aimed at getting the service restored. Click here to access it

The petition reads

We the undersigned petition the council to collect and empty our Green Bins throughout the Year.

Autumn leaves are falling everywhere and gardens are still growing but we have nowhere to put our Green Waste unless we store it until spring or take it at our own expense to Hazel Court.
We have all paid for this service to the council who have short changed us by cutting winter collections

Large number of objections to York Council’s de-icing cuts

Ice fallThe Council has now published a full list of the written objections that have been made to the Council’s plans to cut “winter maintenance” activities.

They can be found by clicking here.

In the main the objections have come from residents, and their representatives, living on the west of the city.

They include petitions containing over 250 signatures.

The full agenda for tomorrows meeting, which is open to the press and public, can be found by clicking here