Call for information on effectiveness of CCTV cameras in York

There are nearly 100 cameras monitoring public order issues and traffic conditions in York 24/7.

CCTV Bramham Road

Bramham Road

A copy of the camera location list can be downloaded by clicking here.

The Council spends around £300,000 a year on the service and it  procured a new maintenance contract last June.

The effectiveness of the cameras is not routinely reported to any Council committee.

In Westfield, there are cameras located on Bramham Road and near the junction of Front Street & York Road. The future of the camera in Bramham Road – currently an Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) hotspot – was threatened in 2012 when the Labour controlled Council refused to pay the license fee.

With ASB on the increase in parts of the City, there have been calls for an extension of monitoring arrangements to problem locations like Acomb Green.

In the meantime, the Council and North Yorkshire Police must reassure residents that the existing cameras are sited at optimum locations and that systems to alert the Police to developing incidents – particularly in sub-urban areas – are effective and producing results.

Acomb Alive devolution plan – Only £17,000 available

Fair deal for AcombThe report on plans to devolve responsibility for economic development activities, in the Acomb Front Street area, to local residents and traders has been published

It confirms that, of a £30,000 investment promised by the Council in 2013, only £13000 has actually been invested.

The balance of £17,000 may now be allocated to the Acomb Alive group.

However, these are derisory sums and will do little to redeem the regeneration project  promised for the area by local Councillors when seeking election last year.

Major investment is required in the streetscape and a full time coordinator will be required if the many private sector owners are to become involved in the project.

A budget of least £250,000 will be required each year.

By comparison, the City centre partner (Make it York) has a budget of over £600,000 a year while even Monks Cross will get £1 million a year from the Council to fund a leisure development there.

Two years ago the then Labour controlled Council ditched plans to create a retirement village in Acomb on land at Lowfields school

The funding was transferred to a similar project at Burnholme school on the other side fo the City.

The land at Lowfields – and a similar plot next to the library – remain unused adding to the general atmosphere of neglect in the area.


Major boost for Acomb on way?

The Council is to consider devolving economic development activity management to the Acomb Alive organisation.

Vandalised cycle stands in Front Street

Vandalised cycle stands in Front Street

The decision is due to be made at a meeting taking place on 12th April

The plan is likely to be welcomed by many living and working in Westfield and Acomb who feel that the area has been snubbed in recent years both by the Council and local economic development partners like “Make it York”.

The Front Street neighbourhood badly needs a regeneration intiative and local businesses and residents do have a key role to play in any improvement activity.

Front Street flower tubs 2007

Residents are working to improve the appearance of the area

Occupancy levels of shops have improved with the economic recovery but too many new businesses seem to flounder within their first couple of years of operation.

Ideas like the establishment of an occasional street market have come to nothing while local Councillors have had to resort to collecting petitions aimed at getting local footpaths repaired.

The scale of any investment which may be on offer is not known and any regeneration project will need at least one full time management post over at least 3 years.

Something major does need to happen and quickly.

Latest planning applications for the Acomb and Westfield Wards

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Location:       223 Beckfield Lane York YO26 5PH

Proposal:       Single storey side and rear extension and first floor extension to rear

Ref No: 16/00184/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Marc Harrison Consultation Expiry Date:       22 February 2016 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level:        DEL



Location:       2 Cornlands Road York YO24 3DU

Proposal:       Extension of porch to front

Ref No: 16/00039/FUL

Applicant:      Mrs Angela Estienne     Consultation Expiry Date        22 February 2016 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       133 Cornlands Road York YO24 3ED

Proposal:       Single storey front and side extensions, first floor rear extension and dormer to rear

Ref No: 16/00117/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Andrew Berry Consultation Expiry Date        22 February 2016 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL

Trees to be felled on Front Street

Trees to be felled on Front Street


Location:       Acomb Methodist Church Front Street York YO24 3BX

Proposal:       Fell 7no. trees in a Conservation Area

Ref No: 16/00176/TCA

Applicant:      Acomb Methodist Church   Contact Mr Tim Short    Consultation Expiry Date        22 February 2016 Case Officer:   Esther Priestley        Expected Decision Level


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Business Improvement District for York city centre – taxpayers asked for £50,000 loan

…..but still no sign of help for sub-urban commercial centres like Front Street
Front Street snubbed by Council

Front Street snubbed again by York Council

The York Council’s Executive will be asked to support the successful implementation of the Business Improvement District (BID) in York at a meeting on Thursday 28 January.

The meeting comes after a ballot in November 2015 saw businesses across the city centre vote in favour of a new Business Improvement District, which will deliver over £800,000 in new investment for the city centre each year.

Executive will be asked to note a draft memorandum of understanding and baseline operating agreement for the Business Improvement District ahead of final terms being reached.

The Executive will also be asked to approve a cash flow loan of up to £50,000 to help support the creation of the Business Improvement District. It’s proposed this loan will be reimbursed in full by Summer 2016.

The business-led BID will take decisions on how to invest in the city centre and will focus on areas such as improving the cleanliness of the city centre, tackling anti-social behaviour and supporting businesses.

However the Council continues to ignore calls for regeneration initiatives in sub-urban retail areas like Front Street. Its Quango partner organisation “Make it York” is also entirely focused on the City centre area.

The Council report also outlines City of York Council’s annual contribution, via levy, of around £28,000 beginning in the 2016/17 financial year. The BID will however reimburse the administrative cost of levy collection up to £25,000.

44 crimes reported in Front Street area during November 2015

There was a significant increase in the level of crimes reported in the Front Street area (polling district KB) in November 2015 compared to the same month in 2014. 

A graph shows a steady increase in crime reports over the last year. The figures have been taken from the Police web site 

Most of the reports concern anti-social behaviour – which has increased since the opening of a centralised “hub” in the City centre which appears to have drawn police resources away from the Westfield area.

There have also been a significant number of shoplifting reports.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

The number of crimes reported by type are:

  • Anti Social behaviour 13 
  • Cycle theft 1
  • Burglary 3
  • Criminal damage and arson 5
  • Drugs 1
  • Theft 4
  • Public order 1
  • Shop lifting 11
  • Vehicle Crime 1
  • Violence and sexual offences 4

This compares with a total of 30 offences reported in November 2014

Crime levels in Acomb remain relatively low compared to most other parts of the country.

The Crime and Policing commissioner Julia Mulligan is consulting on whether to increase the police tax level from April, although no assurances have been given that any extra money raised will be used to increase street level policing resources in west York.

Julia Mulligan faces a re-election ballot on May 5th.

Morrisons in Acomb applies to sell alcohol until midnight each day

Morrison’s supermarket in Acomb has applied to open from 7:00pm until midnight each day.

Morrisons Acomb

The license application to the City of York Council also means that alcohol sales would be available for the same period.

A similar application has been submitted for Morrison’s Foss Islands store.

There have been sporadic problems with anti social behaviour at night in the Front Street area and the car park has been a magnet for some trouble makers. The store is also located quite close to residential properties so there is bound to be anxiety about the impact of the proposal.Morrisons Oct 2015

Representations to the application must be made in writing to City of York, Licensing Services, Hazel Court EcoDepot, James Street, York. Y010 3DS. Representations must be received within a 28 day period beginning the first day after the application is made.    Residents have until 20th November to raise any objections with the Council Email: Tel 552512

The store currently opens between 8:00am and 9:00pm each day except Sunday when the hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm

A similar application for extended hours was recently submitted by the Lidl store on Thanet Road.

Police appeal following assault in Front Street

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information about an assault that occurred on Front Street in Acomb York on Sunday 2nd August at around 1530hours

Acomb Front Street to letIt happened on Front Street in Acomb, York at around 1530hours on Sunday 2nd August and involved a 70 year old male who was assaulted by another male. The male responsible for the assault was wearing a red t-shirt, dark coloured shorts and trainers, he was also wearing glasses.

We are conducting enquiries and are requesting the public’s assistance to help determine the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

In particular, we are appealing for information from anyone who may have witnessed the incident

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact us on 101, select option 2, and ask for James Mills. You can also email

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12150134134